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Online Account Management

The portal is fully customisable, allowing companies to take control of their corporate clothing and workwear procurement.

The benefits to our clients are as follows:

It simplifies and saves time on ordering

This unique online procurement system is personalised to feature your corporate clothing and workwear. The portal is secure and permits users to place their orders 24/7.

The system is so easy to use that you can place an order in a matter of clicks. It saves valuable staff time and resources, meaning you can concentrate on the bigger priorities at work!

It's a fully customisable ordering interface

From deciding which elements of your corporate clothing and workwear you would like to be featured on your account, to how many staff need access and with what privileges, our team is experienced in delivering a solution that meets your needs exactly.

Bespoke account user access

One of the most popular features is the ability to set up multiple users and decide what access and ordering privileges they have. This feature is highly regarded by companies with multiple outlets or franchises.

Control costs

Not only can you control users' ordering privileges, but you can also set permissions based on how much they can spend. This can be a value set by week, month or year.

The value can be monetary, allocation based or dictated by a points scheme. We can also enable super users to bulk order or override allocations where required.